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The Wolff Bros. Supply Story


Wolff Bros. Supply is proud of our family history rooted in a small town in Ohio. Every day we find ways to embrace our strong work ethic and family-friendly nature within our corporate culture and customer relationships.
Watch our video to peer into what it's like to be a part of the Wolff Bros. Supply family.


Harold and Norman Wolff took over their family farm in Medina, Ohio. After a few years they found themselves considering other options to support their growing families.


The brothers started doing work in the plumbing, heating and electrical trades. They called their new business Wolff Bros. General Contractors and operated it out of the back of an old truck!

Harold was friendly to other contractors and would often sell products to them at a reasonable price. As there was not another supplier in Medina at the time, this was the very beginning of the supply business.

As the requests for products continued to grow, Harold and Norman expanded into retail sales. They began using the farm's old dairy barn and chicken coop as a place to store parts and supplies and turned some of the space into offices.


Originally, Norm, Harold and Lillian Wolff (Harold's Wife) were incorporators of the business. On March 11, 1965 the business was then incorporated with the state of Ohio as Wolff Bros. Supply, Inc.


The company had 6 employees and $20,000 in sales was considered a good month. Around this same time, Harold and Norman's children were graduating college and joining the business. Wolff Bros. Supply also dedicated its focus to the wholesale business in order to meet the needs of local contractors.


The first Wolff Design Center opened at the Medina location.


Wooster, Ohio became the company's first satellite branch.


By 1999 Wolff Bros. Supply had added 5 more branches located in Akron, Cleveland, Sandusky, Ashland and Elyria.


Although they've grown up with the business, the Wolff family's 3rd generation begins contributing further by taking on more full time roles.


The company continued to grow, having now added another 4 branches in Mentor, Mansfield, Findlay, and Marion.


Wolff Bros. Supply has more than 350 employees and after adding additional branches in Toledo and Columbus, now operates 13 locations throughout Ohio, 4 of which include Design Centers.


Wolff Bros. Supply is one of Ohio's largest independent plumbing, electrical, and HVAC distributors. Our vast inventory, experienced sales force, and focus on service have allowed us to meet customer demand. Our branches and delivery system form a network of well-stocked warehouses, allow us to rapidly restock and have your items available where and when you need them. With over 450 employees, 13 supply locations, and 4 design centers, our company will continue to grow and invest in assets to promote the ultimate success of our valued customers.

Our team of qualified experts are ready to help make your job easier, faster, and more efficient by providing the service and attention you deserve.